SUPPORT: 1.855.660.1200 | |
We offer two comprehensive products to our clients. BoardPortal PLUS® Connect is for those who wish to include their broader leadership team into the board portal community. Likewise, we continue our focus on clients who prefer a board-centric solution such as BoardPortal PLUS®. In either case, the products featured below are available for use by your team. |
BoardPortal PLUS® has created the ultimate board communication tool. XPress is a secure, confidential voice, video and document sharing resource which will save you time and money and make for a better overall experience for your board. With XPress, your board can easily make calls and review tailored information, including secure access of your board books, evaluation reports and documents directly from the XPress platform. Boards and administrators alike can benefit from the integration of communication and sharing, efficiency and personalized resources by using XPress. |
You can help you directors be better prepared for and informed about the industry, company, economic and governance leadership factors. Designed specifically to help directors in honing research and insight, the information within the Concierge will support each director specifically for your board. The Concierge will help the board address concerns regarding asymmetrical information flow from management by providing outside sources of information from BoardPortal PLUS® and 3rd party sites. |
BoardPortal PLUS® integration will make the process of preparing for meetings easier, more intuitive and will reduce the risk of problems for you and your team. Our portal offers you the opportunity to invest your resources in other vital governance areas because you will spend less time organizing, preparing and storing board books and documentation. Setting us apart from our competitors, the BoardPortal PLUS® Board Chamber has the features and functionality to make your job straightforward and provides you the flexibility to share information, communicate and connect in a secure manner. With 95% of the features available offline (with no internet connection) and available via both the iOS and Android platforms, the Board Chamber will significantly enhance the director experience as well as yours. |
You want to help the board satisfy requirements in a way that is productive and a great experience. Utilize comprehensive, secure, cost-effective and efficient board performance tools. With an innovative approach to evaluating the performance of the board and its directors, our Enlightened Corporate Governance® model provides a thoughtful yet simple evaluation process, complete anonymity. Providing effectiveness and efficiency, we will save you time and money.